Soul Food


“Actions are but by intentions and every man will have only what he intended.” – Prophet Muhammad ﷺ [Sahih Muslim & Bukhari]

Asalamu Alaykum – Peace Be Upon You,

It’s been years.. literally.. years.. I haven’t posted on this site since April 2012 – It’s now June 2017 – SubhanAllah (Exalted is God) how time flies.

Anyhow, I hope you’re all in the best health and eman (faith) Insha’Allah (God willing).

I thought I’d get back into blogging – why? I hear you ask. Well.. I guess I need to keep a track of myself. A space to keep my thoughts, and Insha’Allah a place to remember Allah.

I’ve chosen to begin my post with what I believe is the pinnacle of faith, the core of every action, the one thing that determines the purity of your soul; your intentions.

Intentions can turn dirt into gold.

Something so small, so hidden – yet it carries the weight of paradise or hellfire. Something so beautiful if kept pure, the secret between you and God.

I don’t believe that intentions are solely to do with religion and worship, but that it affects you in your character, the thing you stand for, the vibes you release.

Keeping a pure heart will relieve stress; for example; if you have bad intentions, plotting and planning against a person – your heart will not rest, it will always be preoccupied with how it can take revenge, or how it can make someone else miserable, it carries a huge weight with it, this in turn making you the miserable one as a pose to who you intended the ill for. Being light hearted is by far easier, less stressful, more rewarding in this life and the next, and I truly believe it will exert from you good vibes; 

Take 5 seconds to purify your intention before an action, and bring your heart from the dark into the light.



Muslim Women

Muslim women cover their bodies out of piety, in order to please God, this is due to this verse in the Qur’an;

“And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women.” [24:31]

This allows women to be seen for their personality, character, virtues and intellect, and not the shape of their bodies and physical appearance.

In Islam, women are to be seen for WHO they are, not WHAT they are.

Because their bodies are completely covered, the only things that they can be judged by are; their character, personalities, virtues, and intellect; exactly what a woman should be judged by, and not for the shape of her body or how she looks.

This has many advantages in todays Western society, where women are pressured by society to mold themselves into an unrealistic definition of beauty, to look and dress in a certain way, be a certain size, and in some cases, to be a certain skin tone, in most cases, the skin tone to be “beautiful” has to be light.

There are women who diet to be “skinny” in order to look like models on TV, and in a lot of cases this leads to anorexia, with 1 in every 100 women in the UK suffering from the illness, aged between 15-30.

Of course, all these preasures have a pychological impact on women, leaving most women with insecurities about the way that they look, as they are challenged by society to compete with airbrushed women in magazines and on posters.

Islam puts a complete stop to all of this, a stop to the insecurities a woman is preasured into feeling due to society, as she is only judged on the things that she says and does, and not on her appearance.

This doesn’t mean that a woman who doesn’t wear hijab should be viewed for only her body, of course no woman should be viewed as only a body, but Hijab puts a stop to allowing men to ever view a woman in that way.

“O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be KNOWN and NOT be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” [33:59]


Muslim Women = Queens


The QUEEN dresses modestly,
A MUSLIMAH dresses modestly.

The QUEEN doesn’t shake hands with strangers,
A MUSLIMAH doesn’t shake hands with strange men.

The QUEEN‘s status is raised as soon as she inherits the Crown,
A MUSLIMAH‘s status is raised as soon as she wear’s the Hijab.

The QUEEN is proud of her bloodline,
A MUSLIMAH is proud of her HIJAAB 😀

A MUSLIMAH in a Hijab, IS a Queen with her Crown! ♥